Unlocking the full potential of any tool often lies in its integration with others. With the abundance of data available, seamless connectivity is key to efficiency and productivity. In this blog post, we'll explore the power of integrating Luma with Spontivly, a data dashboard tool that helps you visualize your data in charts and graphs. Spontivly offers endless possibilities for optimizing your workflow and maximizing your team's output.What is Luma? From beautiful event pages to effortless invites and ticketing, Luma is all you need to host a memorable event.How to Connect Luma You are required to have a Luma Plus subscription for each calendar within your account you want to connect. For example, if your account has three calendars: Investors Employees Customers You will require three Luma Plus subscriptions. Generate API Key Head to Personal. Select Settings then Options. Scroll down and click Create API Key. Click your API Key to copy and paste the information into Spontivly. Metrics to Track with Luma in Spontivly Attendance per Event Monthly Attendance Weekly Attendance Future Guests Event Capacity About Spontivly Spontivly is a data analytics tool that integrates with a company's suite of tools to allow for greater insights and efficiencies. Our goal is to make data easily accessible to everyone by empowering teams with simple data dashboards.Sample Spontivly dashboard with metrics from Instagram and LinkedIn.What we're doing is very similar to what Canva did with graphic design. The same problem is being experienced with data dashboards. To get the reports and metrics companies have to hire a software engineer, or a data engineer and use highly technical tools like Tableau, PowerBI, or Looker to display their data. Meanwhile, there is a rising demand in the workplace for increased data. In fact, 98% of executives agree it’s important to increase data analysis by their organizations in the next 1 to 3 years. Spontivly handles every company, every data point, and every integration.Interested in adding Luma to your dashboard? Book a Demo with the Spontivly team to learn more.